Safeguarding and Security

Busy Angel’s take safeguarding and security of adults and children very seriously. We take every measure to ensure your child is safe and protected whilst in our care. Some measures that we take in our nursery are mentioned below:

  • Main entrances are secured at all times, and access is only granted once we have identified who is requesting to enter the building.
  • We have CCTV in every  room, and at the building entrance, so we know exactly who is here with us every minute of  the day.
  • No visitors are left unattended and they are always under the supervision of a member of staff.
  • No mobile phones are allowed in any area with children.
  • Daily registers are completed so there is a full record of when children arrive and leave the nursery.
  • There are sign in and sign out registers for staff, students and visitors.
  • We maintain high staff to children ratios to ensure close supervision at all times.
  • All our staff have received thorough training in safeguarding and they know all the procedures to follow should they have any concerns about anything or anyone.
  • Staff will check ID’s and passwords for anyone collecting a child, other than the primary carer and will not allow anyone they do not know, or who does not have prior consent, entry into the building.
  • The nursery door is securely locked at all times and only a member of the nursery staff is authorised to open it. Parents are requested not to answer the door if they hear the doorbell ring.
  • All staff are carefully vetted during the interview process and everyone undergoes rigorous, enhanced DBS checks. All references are followed up and DBS checks are reviewed regularly.
  • As part of their continuing professional development, all staff must attend courses to keep their skills up to date, including risk assessment, health and safety, Safeguarding and first aid.
  • Fences and gates are always fully secured.
  • Play equipment both inside and outside is checked regularly.
  • All our staff are fully trained first aiders who update their knowledge and skills regularly.
  • All our staff have food and hygiene certificates.
  • There is always a safeguarding officer available in our setting.
  • Risk assessments are  carried out regularly in each area of the setting.
  • We advise our parents/carers to make a strong password and not to share their password of their child’s file with anyone.